Theboondorks blog

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Another beautiful day

Another beautiful sunny day, the high 60s, night times in the 30s, not all that warm, but the low humidity makes it more tolerable.

I went for a walk in the boulders, which is what I usually do. I think most people walk on the dirt loop road that goes all around the boulder field, which is a couple of miles long. Then some people walk on the desert trails, and there are miles and miles of those, and then the fewest people walk through the boulders.

There are two ways to walk among the boulders. You can take a couple of well-maintained and easy paths through them, or you can skip the paths and find your own way, I prefer the latter because I enjoy a bit of a challenge.

Now, there's no chance you can get lost walking through the boulders. There's a loop road around the boulders, so if you keep walking, you'll hit the road sooner or later. So the worst thing that could happen to you is taking a hard fall and being unable to walk to get to the road. But even then, there are campsites scattered throughout the boulders, so you're never very far from a campsite of some kind, but this time of year, many of those campsites aren't occupied.

Just talking about being in the boulders makes me want to make a video of me walking up there. That doesn't mean I will; it just makes me think about it.


The campground just after daybreak.

GIANT off-road RV. It's plenty cool, super expensive, and yet surprisingly ugly.

These things are advertised as being able to go anywhere, yet every time I see one, It’s Boondocked just down the road from me.

A mini city of rocks nearby the real one.