Theboondorks blog

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I need to prepare for the future

I've been considering things I do now to make my life easier in the future, which is somewhat difficult because, just like everyone else, I can't see the future. However, there are some things that we can all assume will await us as we age. In general, I think we can all agree that we will become more geezerly, not less.

Becoming a geezer, and I believe I can speak from experience here, does not make it easier to do anything; most things get more difficult, and some things become all but impossible. For Instance, the other day, I needed to crawl under my truck and cable tie some wires that were hanging down too low, and I found that dragging myself under the truck was difficult but not impossible, but getting back out from under it wasn't something I'm looking forward to ever doing again. I didn't have to call somebody to drag me out from under the truck by my feet, but the thought occurred to me while I was there. So, I've been trying to think ahead about things I could do while I'm still relatively mobile, and total decrepitude hasn't crept up on me yet.

I haven't done everything I need to future-proof the Lance, but I'm slowly working on it, with emphasis on the word "slowly." I'm trying to do the most important things first: things that could possibly prevent me from camping in the Lance or from boondocking. And I will talk about those things tomorrow.


Where do these neighbors find scary full-size creatures like these?

Reminds me of one of my high school teachers.

I find it hard to believe that the kids in this neighborhood are brave enough to walk around after dark.