Theboondorks blog

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Will it ever stop?

Same o ' same o '. The snow is still falling, the roads are still icy and snow-packed, and nothing has happened except the snow is getting deeper. Were supposed to get five more inches of snow today, and the snow is supposed to continue until Saturday morning. Trinidad, Colorado, where I'm supposed to spend the night in the Walmart parking lot, is getting 10 inches of snow today, So I doubt they will have cleaned off the roads by tomorrow, I -70 through Denver is closed all the way to the Kansas border, and I -25 through northern New Mexico is closed, so it looks like I won't be able to get out of here until Sunday at the earliest.... DRAT !!

It's so cold outside that I haven't even felt like going out there and taking pictures, except I need photos for my blog. It's usually in the mid-30s during the daytime, but when I'm outside, it's normally 7 or 8 o'clock, and the temperature is in the mid-20s. That wouldn't be so bad, except I'm just not used to cold temperatures anymore, particularly if I have to walk around outside in 10 inches of snow wearing sneakers with wet snow falling on me. But I put myself in this position by hanging around here until after Halloween, which sometimes works, sometimes doesn't, and this time it didn't.

Despite all that, there's light at the end of this snow tunnel. Next week looks like there's nothing but sunshine, and even though the high temperatures are only going to be in the 50s, that sounds pretty good to me right now. At least it won't be snowing, so I'll be able to get out of here on nice, dry roads with smooth sailing as far South as I want to go.


The back door at my daughter’s house. It’s not wise to stand under that snow overhang for very long; there’s a couple of hundred pounds of snow and ice hanging precariously up there.

My grandson’s basketball hoop. This is why basketball is an indoor sport.

It’s weird how a billion unconnected snowflakes can hang over the roof's edge like that.

It’s also weird that I lived and worked in the mountains, where the winter weather is even worse than here. But that was before I turned into a geezer and became a wimp.