Theboondorks blog

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A chilly wet day

It was a chilly day today; it didn't get above 40°, and tonight is supposed to be below freezing with the possibility of snow.

Like I've mentioned before, a little snow is a good thing because it's a warning sign to me that more cold and snow is on the way, and I need to get out while the gettings good.

I've got almost everything done to the Lance that I need to do so that it's ready for travel and spending six months mostly boondocking. The main thing I wanted to do for the Lance this summer was take out some of the weight, which I'm still in the process of doing. To my surprise and amazement, I put in the new roof vent and fan, which I accomplished in less than a year. And last, and most important, I moved Lance's propane tank from its head-high perch on the side of the camper to a waist-high cubby so I could easily change out the empty propane tank with a full one. I could still do it, but it wasn't any fun, and I could see in the future that it would become a problem as my geezerlyness progressed.

I'm trying to think more about the future than I used to, so instead of just living day to day and not worrying about tomorrow, I'm trying to give some thought to how I will deal with the future of living in the Lance since I'm assuming it's going to get more difficult and not easier. I'm trying to do things that consider my future limited abilities, and I'm doing some things now so I don't have to do them in the future. And I will talk more about that tomorrow.

After staying in the dark for a few hours, my granddaughter has developed that greenish glow that’s all the rage among young girls today.

Meanwhile, my grandson doesn’t care about his greenish glow as long as he can watch TV.