Theboondorks blog

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Will things be back to normal soon?

So, what are my options for dealing with the inverter problem I talked about yesterday?

First of all, I try not to let it bother me. I'm always talking about how dealing with challenges is actually a good thing, and if you're not good at dealing with challenges, living a boondocking lifestyle will be tough.

After all, if you're a normal RVer living in a normal campground, you don't even need an inverter, solar panels, or any other thing that allows you to live off-grid; your life is no more challenging than living in a small rental apartment, which is the kind of life that most normal RVers prefer. So I have to admit that living as a long-term boondocker requires having a "screw loose" someplace other than in the camper.

But as I see it, here are some of my options.

Option one: Order a new, higher-quality inverter from Amazon and do without pictures in my blog until I can get and install it.

Option two: I will get a modestly priced but more powerful inverter than my 750-watt backup inverter from Walmart and make that my permanent inverter setup.

Option three: You can get a cheap but slightly more powerful 1100-watt inverter from Walmart and order a high-quality inverter from Amazon.

These are important but boring questions I have to ask myself, even though you're probably thinking to yourself... WHO CARES? And I don't blame you. I probably wouldn't even care if it wasn't for not having pictures to deal with daily. Pictures are a big part of my blog, and now I have nothing to do without a bunch of pictures to work on.

Because I lack something more interesting to write about, I'm trying to stretch this out as much as possible. So tomorrow, I will talk about what I'm going to do about my inverter problem, and I think things will be back to normal the next day.
