Theboondorks blog

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Why am I still here?

I probably should've left weeks ago, but it's a little late to worry about that now. It's easy to forget how quickly Colorado can go from Fall to weekly snowstorms because every year is different and very difficult to predict. But I think it makes more sense to get out of town before Halloween instead of after.

You would think that after 40 or so years of living in Colorado, it would be apparent to me, but "apparently" it is not. Next year, I will be far more careful in the time I choose to leave for my winter travels and may decide to leave as early as August or September in an effort to get into the desert areas of Arizona before the roads in the Denver area becomes too icy for me to safely travel on, and I'm not even sure if that gives me enough time to get out of town.

Since I've seen snow in the mountains every month of my life in Colorado, I might be safer leaving in June or July to avoid getting stuck on a mountain pass such as Raton Pass, where I've seen snow in May.

Taking all these possible scenarios under consideration its beginning to look like there is no safe time to leave Colorado and I should just move to Arizona.

But past experience has shown me that Arizona is unbearably hot during the summer, and I would have to get out of there before it reached the temperature of being able to fry an egg on the hood of my truck, cook bacon on the steps of the camper, and fry up some potatoes on my exhaust pipe. And even though that sounds like a great breakfast, I'm sure I would eventually long for the brisk temperatures of the mountains in the morning at ten thousand feet.... Now all I have to do is figure out the best month to drive to Colorado without hitting any snow.


We got four or five inches of snow during the night, and needless to say, it was bitter cold.

I’ve spent enough hours sitting in the driver’s seat of this truck to know exactly what it’s thinking, and right now, it’s thinking, why am I not parked next to a Saguaro in Arizona right now?”

This morning, the neighborhood looked mighty grim, and I’m pretty sure the two unfortunate souls who were driving to work down this road were feeling pretty grim themselves.

But since I always try to find happiness in whatever I’m doing, I had a smile on my face just thinking about the fact that in a few more days, I’ll be heading for the desert where the sky is blue, the humidity is low, the temperatures are warm, and the living is easy.