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the Call of the open road

There are only about two weeks left until the call of the open road becomes more than I can ignore. I wasn't always that way. I enjoyed traveling but never had the highway call to me like it does now. That's probably not a good thing since one day, I won't be able to answer the call for one reason or another, and that will be a black day indeed.

I think about that a lot, especially since my health problem reared its ugly head, but there's nothing I can do except what I've always done, which is try to find happiness in whatever is going on around me.

I haven't thought about what road I will take to get into New Mexico since that's highly dependent upon the weather, and the weather in the mountains is always variable and totally unpredictable. Sometimes I like to go on the back roads through the mountains to head South, but the weather has to be just about perfect for me to do that since this time of year it can start snowing at a moments notice. And the last thing I want is to be on some two-lane blacktop in the middle of nowhere and to see snow start falling. I have a four-wheel drive, but my tires are street tires and don't do all that well on slippery roads.

So I—25 is usually the safest way to travel this time of year. The highway is well cared for by the snowplow drivers, and there's plenty of help available should it be needed. But I'm lucky. I can leave Denver whenever I feel like it, and I usually feel like it when the weather is nice enough that I don't have to try to outrun a fast-approaching snowstorm.


I've been walking around my daughter's neighborhood, taking a few snapshots of the Halloween decorations.

Skeletons are very popular this year.

Graveyards are mysteriously springing up all over the neighborhood.