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Storrie Lake state Park

I usually consider Las Vegas the beginning of my winter travels, and my night at the Trinidad Walmart parking lot is just a stopover before my real travels begin.

Storrie Lake State Park is a great place to begin my winter travels because it's familiar. I've spent a lot of time at Storrie Lake, so I feel kind of at home when I'm here. There's a Walmart down the street two or three miles away, and plenty of the most common fast-food restaurants are in the same area, so everything is very convenient. Being convenient makes it easy on me as I'm adjusting to my traveling lifestyle.

I will stay here for maybe three or four days and mostly relax, walk around the park, and take pictures. Now that I'm on the road again, I need to try to take some videos. I keep saying I will do it, but I never seem to have a camera when I want to. So, I will try to use my cell phone to take some videos. I don't know much about using my cell phone for anything besides phone calls, so this will take some practice.

I've been reading on the Internet about using a cell phone for videos, and I bought a steady cam thingy that's supposed to be useful for making videos. But mostly, I need to get out there and just do it. It's been pretty chilly in the daytime, 40s and 50s so far, which doesn't make learning how to do something new fun.

But since I'm heading South, I'm assuming it will get warmer. I want to take some videos of the Sandhill cranes at the Bosque Del Apache, but I need to get some practice in, so I won't mess up the video too much.


A snapshot of Pike’s Peak as I was driving through Colorado Springs.

The Walmart in Trinidad Colorado got a little snow.

The family dog. With 4 inch long legs a foot of snow becomes a real problem.