I know some of you doubted whether I would ever get back on the road again, but today, all the doubters were proven wrong as I pulled into the Walmart parking lot in Trinidad, Colorado. This was the first stop on my way to the warm deserts of Arizona, where snow is as rare as a turtle stampede, and the warm days slowly slide by like a Spring day in Georgia.
But being on the road has its downside. It’s always tough to say goodbye to my family; they do so much for me that I never know what to say. It may have something to do with my childhood and my Air Force dad always leaving and going TDY somewhere for a week or a month. He was always saying goodbye, which always hurt, so maybe it hurts me to say goodbye, and yet I live a lifestyle that requires it… I’m kind of stuck.
This first day was about a three-hour drive, which, of course, was easy, which is how I like it, especially when I'm not used to driving long distances. I choose to take it easy on the road until I get used to it again, and that includes getting to Storrie Lake State Park in Las Vegas, New Mexico, where I will spend a few days adjusting to my lifestyle of traveling and mostly boondocking.
I should be in Las Vegas, New Mexico, tomorrow before lunch. One of the things that bugs me about being in Las Vegas, New Mexico, is I always have to say I am in "Las Vegas, New Mexico" instead of just saying I'm in Las Vegas. It's pretty obvious why I have to do that since Las Vegas, Nevada, is known worldwide, and Las Vegas, New Mexico, is barely known in New Mexico. But since I don't plan on going to Las Vegas, Nevada anytime soon, and I'm going to be in Las Vegas, New Mexico, for a while, I humbly ask your indulgence that I be allowed to say Las Vegas instead of writing out the name of the state every time I mention where I'm at. It will make writing my blog so much easier, and as you know, I'm all about making things easier on myself.